
What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a 5,000 year old Chinese system of natural healing (No drugs. No surgery), which is concerned with restoring proper energy flow to the various organs, glands, and tissues of the body on the premise that most diseases are the result of malfunction due to disrupted energies. Explanations: The Chinese definition of Health is “All parts of the body functioning normally,” all 400 trillion parts. If there is an interruption in the transmission of energy flow or life force (called Ch-i in Chinese) then the organ malfunction, disease, pain and suffering are inevitable.

Assuming I’m going to take Acupuncture treatments, how are they performed?

First, the related skin points are determined. Then they are appropriately treated by one of over thirty methods of stimulation. Some of which are: 1) Long Needle Insertion (especially done in acupuncture anesthesia for surgery), 2) Short Needle Penetration, 3) Non-Piercing Needles, 4) Finger Tip Pressure, 5) Metallic Balls Taped To The Points, 6) Electrical Stimulation, 7) Moxabustion (the burning of herbs over the points. Note: the none-piercing (teishin) is very popular because of the technique is practically painless, there is no blood, no danger of infection, and results are equal to, if not better than other techniques.

What are some conditions commonly treated by Acupuncture?

Textbook listed conditions run into the hundreds. Typical ailments usually responding to acupuncture health care includes: neuralgias, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, tics, spasms, muscular rheumatism, neuralgia of the shoulders and arms, tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, ulcers, stomach problems, diarrhea, hepatitis, asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, coughs, certain types of heart trouble, abnormal blood pressure, hemorrhoids, lumbago, bladder irritation, bed wetting, certain kidney problems, female disorders, impotence, glaucoma (sometimes), weak eyesight, hay fever, loss of smell, tonsillitis, loss of hearing, skin conditions, and even nervous or psychiatric favors based on the fact that often mental problems arise from physical disorders. The above list may seem long as though acupuncture was a Panacea. The truth is that most textbooks list over two hundred diseases. Please be mindful of the fact that acupuncture is not like one drug used for one condition, but on the contrary, it is a complete healing art within itself, concerned with the systems of the body such as nervous, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, eliminatory, reproductive, hormonal, musculoskeletal, etc., and seeks to correct health problems within those systems.